Writing for money

Articles for Cash
If you are a writer, getting paid to write articles is a way for you to channel your creative ability while embarking on an educational and an enjoyable journey; allowing you to write about something new every day and getting paid cash to do it! One day you might be writing about boating excursions in the Hamptons, then the next article requested may be due to elaborate how to fix a car radiator.

It has been quite some time since I initially took my enthused passion for writing, and began turning it into cash. Since then, every rising sun brings sparkling and exciting topics to explore, and as the moon buries the sun beneath the western horizon, not only do I feel an astounding sense of great accomplishment, but my wallet gets a little heavier with each written piece; a joyous feeling for any aspiring writer.

How to Get Started, and Some Tips
Getting paid to write articles does not require much to get started: a working computer, reliable internet connection and a love for writing. However, there are some other basic aspects of getting paid to write articles that you should be aware of before you begin.

For starters, when writing articles, you will usually be asked to incorporate a strong SEO into the content. SEO, or search engine optimization is simply this: utilize the key word of the topic as many times in the article as possible, or required. The reason for SEO is to maximize the chance that your article is shown when the topic is searched for on Google. This simple concept can be more demanding than it sounds, and it takes some practice to be able to successfully create an engaging article with a strong SEO result. No one wants to read a monotonous article! This challenge will remarkably strengthen your vocabulary and had have an overall strengthening effect on your writing, so you will simultaneously hone your craft and get paid to write articles.Over time, your speed to pump out articles with strong and beautifully incorporated SEO will flourish. This can easily turn article writing into a well-paying, full-time job.

One thing to keep in mind, and I especially stress this to you, dear reader, is to ALWAYS be careful, and safely approach ALL jobs. Do not write articles for someone without a contract signed, or a deposit up front. Personally, I have been scammed for my work, and it is not fun. It wasted my time, it was hard work, and most importantly, someone stole my creations; a nightmare for any artist. In my scenario, a client had offered me a great rate for each article, and asked me to communicate through Skype. That was the first red flag I missed, for not many legitimate clients will ask you to work through Skype (some may, but make sure a deposit is received before you begin). They asked for countless articles, giving me deadlines even, and promising me healthy pay. The thief wanted me to work an entire week before pay, but I refused. The “client” said that they would make an exception for me, and pay me after four completed articles. Naively, I went along with these ridiculous terms, and gave the “client” four articles. When the articles were submitted, the “client” disappeared; blocking me on Skype and deleting any other form of communication that we had shared. Take it from me, and make sure payment is legitimate BEFORE you start working. Your work is important, and the time and effort put into each piece should always be reimbursed. Remember, you cannot get paid to write articles without getting paid!

Now that you have the basic knowledge of what it takes to get paid for your article writing, you are probably wondering where you can start. There are specifically two freelance platforms that I suggest for beginners: Upwork or Freelancer. Both great platforms provide a consistency of clients, and are highly dependable for communication. Most importantly, these platforms are mediators. This amazing asset almost guarantees payment by providing ratings, history, payment methods, and reviews of clients. If a client has no payment method, this is usually a sure sign that they are out to get free work. These platforms do charge a fee, but for an inexperienced article writer who may not yet know the ropes of the freelance world, it is well worth it.

Getting paid to write articles is a great way for a writer to begin his or her career as a writer. You will embark on new and exciting topics daily, you will sharpen your craft tremendously, and over time, you will be able to make a very comfortable living off what you love to do: write! Now that you have the basic knowledge and know of some great platforms to begin with, you can start immediately. What are you waiting for? Get paid to write articles today!

Work from home opportunities No investment required

The world is constantly changing and this is also true about the work place of today. Only recently, the idea of working from home was quite an alien concept. Especially for a teacher, marketing specialist and engineer.
Since the birth of the internet, there have been plenty of adverts to claim you can make money from home, but many of those ‘become a millionaire working from home’ videos and e-mails have of ten been scams. Terrible scams. Research shows that even today, for every legitimate job there is 60 more trying to fool you in one way or another. That’s quite depressing statistics.

The good news, though, is that there is a plethora of opportunities working from home. You just need to make sure you look in the right places. If you see reputable freelance websites and companies, you can easily quit that boring office job and start earning some money- in your pyjamas!
So let’s have a look at what work from home opportunities there are:
This is really where it’s at! The freelancing opportunities for a huge range of professionals is just a click away for anyone with a computer and stable internet access. Platforms like upwork, freelancer and people per hour is like a virtual employment agency where employers can link with various professionals, check skills and experience, and finally agree to a fee that suits both employer and employee. The freelancing jobs are available for anyone who signsup. Whether freelancers get the job obviously depends on their abilities.
Here are some of the jobs that appear on the sites:
– Writers
-Web developers/engineers
-Sales and Marketing experts
-Travel Agents
-Tech Support
Jobs can be ongoing or just short projects so the jobs can suit anyone: students, stay-at-home parents, pensioners, and professionals who prefer their own schedule. Best thing is that you can work from anywhere in the world, and you can apply to work for international employers. Just be aware of deadlines that may be linked to a different time zone than yours!

This money-making opportunity is mainly available for those with at least one spare room to rent out. If you travel a lot, you can also rent out your whole home when you are away. If you live in the middle of say, NYC, this would be very lucrative indeed. Just don’t rely on it to pay your bills in a less popular area. Sorry!
Direct sales person
Not for everyone, but if you are a sociable person who loves to meet people and sell stuff to them: Try this! It’s all about building a base of clients, and getting sales through word-of-mouth recommendations and friends of friends. You could sell creams, make-up and health products. Once you sell your first stock, you order some more, and so it rolls on.

As you can see, the possibilities are plentiful and readily available for anyone- right now! Do your research today, and you can be your own boss tomorrow. Good luck-and remember, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is!

Freelance Data Entry-As a Work From Home

Every day the internet grows more relevant in our everyday lives. However, as the internet becomes more and more prominent in everyday life, it also gains headway in the business world. As companies link their administrative and Information Technology services, the internet becomes a useful tool for men and women in the world of business to not only do their jobs and assist their colleagues from nearly any location, it also increases their ability to hire out new people to do other work and perform tasks that previously required dedicated employees on payroll to perform. With the rise of accessibility and utility that innovators have brought to the internet, companies now have the ability to advertise contracts to a large number of eligible workers, who are able to lighten the workload of the full-time employees of a company and save the company the money needed to hire more full time employees, while simultaneously earning themselves money on a timetable that fits their individual needs: freelancers are beginning to take their own spotlight, and the concept of freelance work is beginning to gain traction in the business world like never before.

As the job landscape shifts and changes now more than ever, workers are finding new ways to work the way they want. These freelancers are usually specialized workers with specific sets of skills working under contract for a limited amount of time at various companies. This arrangement is beneficial to both the freelancer and their employers for a number of reasons: for example, looking at the job of data entry, freelance work allows an employee to work at a number of companies with a number of different databases. By working freelance, instead of being tied down to any single company, an employee is able to go and work for a number of different companies, and become familiar with a number of different database programs and kinds of data. Furthermore, it allows the person to build a relationship with different companies, and lets them see which may be a good fit for long-term employment, if that’s their end goal. As for the company, they’re allowed to pay freelance workers as they go, as opposed to spend money on a dedicated employee. Freelancers also aren’t usually afforded the same number of perks a full time employee has, which allows the company to save resources in that way as well. Also, the vetting opportunities that freelancers have access to go both ways, in that companies may also use these limited contracts to evaluate workers and determine if they’d like to offer them a full time position.

Specifically, the internet itself allows for distinct shifts in working opportunities as well for the freelancer. On top of helping to connect freelancers and companies to facilitate the hiring process, it also allows in many cases for the freelancer to work from their home, using the internet to receive work and send in a finished product or completed task. With the dawn of Cloud Networking, sharing files is becoming easier and easier, changing the workplace in new and innovative ways. As the internet rises in utility and accessibility, so to will workers, and the popularity of the freelancer.