5 Strategies for Succeeding as a Freelance Typist


Freelancing has many advantages and conveniences, but it also has certain drawbacks. Additionally, freelancers frequently struggle with distractions, isolation, inadequate tools, and low morale due to a lack of training, support, and motivation.

Having to deal with any of these issues can reduce efficiency. For this reason, acquiring and practicing some methods for increasing productivity at work is essential.

This post compiles a few valuable pointers for those just starting in the freelance world. Read on to pick some useful tips for increasing your efficiency as a freelance typist.

Increasing Demand for Freelance Work

In recent years, more and more people have chosen to work independently. Consider the prevailing attitude, aptly dubbed “The Great Resignation,” that has emerged in the face of this pandemic. While companies experience a high turnover rate, many employees consider freelancing as an alternative.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing, in a nutshell, entails working on a contract basis to deliver services to a small number of clients depending on one’s knowledge, abilities, education, and experience. Freelancers set their hours and work independently rather than for a single company.

Freelancers may, of course, work under independent contractor agreements with certain businesses or nonprofits. However, in the end, they are counted as self-employed. They work as freelancers, accepting projects on an as-needed basis and being paid accordingly.

Remember, though, that practically everything these days falls on the shoulders of freelancers. Along with finding customers and taking on tasks, freelancers must also determine when and how long they will work every day and their rates. They are responsible for their hiring as well as paying their taxes.

Who is a Freelance Typist?

A freelance typewriter typically works from home and converts paper documents, reports, minutes, and rules into digital formats. Companies often need their documents returned fast; thus, typists must be able to type rapidly and accurately. Typical tasks performed by typists include:

  • Moving records from paper to electronic databases and files
  • Documentation transcription from tapes and recordings
  • Meeting with management and taking minutes
  • Correction of spelling, grammatical, and punctuation problems in company remarks
  • Organizing digital files in the business’s central repository
  • Putting together slideshows and spreadsheets based on information found in different database files.
  • Keeping databases and electronic filing cabinets organized.
  • Scan and print digital files as needed
  • Respecting the company’s security protocols and maintaining the confidentiality of all information
  • Make sure coworkers and outside vendors have access to transcribed reports when needed.

Productivity Tips for Freelancers Typists.

Now that you know what freelancing is and why it’s important, let’s get into some productivity hacks. For those who typewriter as a side hustle, here are some ways to increase your productivity and boost your business:

  1. Establish a Realistic Workload

Independent contractors are responsible for finding their clients and taking on their assignments. Thus, it is essential to know your limitations and assess your output level regularly.

You should first consider whether or not your accepted projects are within your area of competence. Try taking on as many as possible and completing them quickly.

A good rule of thumb for newbies is to focus on one client and project at a time. Requesting a raise in hours worked can be done in stages, and when you’ll be able to handle more work for a broader clientele. The adage remains: don’t take on more than you can handle.

  1. Make a Timetable

Freelancing generally lacks efficiency, and it’s not like going to an office where you punch in and out at certain times and have breaks in between.

You’ll need to make your own schedule if you’re a freelancer with several clients and projects. If you prefer to make a list of things to do the old-fashioned way, that’s fine, too.

Utilizing a digital calendar to plan when you’ll be working on various projects would be best. You can even use automated programs to assist you in task management. You’ll be more productive and able to keep up with your work if you use these.

  1. Designate a Specific Area as Your Office.

Since freelancers don’t have regular employers, they often have the freedom to set their hours and location. You may spend most of your time working from home. If you have your laptop and access to the internet, you can take your work to a local cafe or shared office space.

Whatever the case, being a freelancer necessitates having a unique workplace. This office space needs to be perfect if it’s going to have any positive effect on your efficiency and output.

It would be best if you also furnished a home office with appropriate tools and equipment. Even if you have to work outside, you should minimize distractions as much as possible.

  1. Communicate with your Clients Clearly and Concisely.

A business’s relationships, production, and success benefit from open communication lines among all parties involved.

Working as a freelancer might be challenging to work with clients over the internet, and meeting someone face to face changes everything. However, these same digital tools and technology also pave the way for modern virtual offices’ smooth communication and collaboration.

As a freelancer, it’s essential to regularly check in with your clients for further instructions and clarification. If you do so, you will be able to get more done in less time. The ability to convey ideas effectively is crucial to any endeavor.

  1. Utilize the Effectiveness of Time Management

Although “time management” has been used to death in the business world, its importance has not diminished. If you want to get things done, it goes without saying that you need a good time management system in place.

If you’re a freelancer, have a look at these time-saving strategies:

The Eisenhower Decision Matrix 

This is a time-management and productivity tool based on the principle of job prioritization. Notably, it aids in prioritizing tasks in terms of urgency and priority.

The essential concepts are:

As a general rule: 

  • Figure out when to get it done if it’s crucial but not time-sensitive;
  • Assign it to someone if it’s urgent but not crucial; and
  • Do not rush something that is not crucial and time-sensitive.

Eat the Frog Principle

As a time-saving technique, this strategy involves giving higher priority to the activity that is the most complex, time-consuming, and crucial to completing the project at hand.

The themes of Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy center on prioritization, goal-setting, and getting things done. You should eat the frog if you find that it helps.

The Pomodoro Strategy

Individuals who are chronic procrastinators can benefit significantly from this method of time management. The plan is to work for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, and repeat this cycle three times.

Set this up several times throughout your shift. It’s an excellent method for maintaining high levels of concentration and motivation for an extended period in preparation for a well-earned five-minute break.


Working as a freelance typist requires a lot of effort, efficient use of time, and initiative. Examining the aforementioned freelance typewriter tactics will help you develop a successful career.

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