If you want to make some money on the side, a good idea is to start your own hosting and domain reseller business. You can provide a plethora of services including domain and hosting resale. Simply put, you work with a hosting service and you will provide their services to others for a higher price. It totally works and it delivers an amazing experience for you and the customer. Starting this type of business however might seem a bit hard to do at first. But here are some tips and tricks to get you started with it.

Pick the best reseller hosting business startup plan
You want to go with a reseller hosting business startup plan from a hosting business. It might sound counter intuitive, but many companies are willing to provide you with such a plan. After all, they get a piece of the action. However, the bandwidth and other features are things you need to think about. Ideally you want to go for more bandwidth, but the best solution is to pay as you go if possible.
Things to consider
You want features like an isolated CPANEL for each user that you are servicing. This way installs are kept separate. If you can score things like free domain names, this is definitely a massive perk and you need to check that out. Some standard offers like unlimited databases, free SSL, FTP accounts or free email accounts are things that you really need to think about. The more you think about that, the better the payoff will be in the end.
Start using a corporate billing system
The idea here is that you will automate the management process and the overall support too. That will make the experience more comprehensive and the results will be great if you start using this in a proper manner. Plus, you won’t be able to offer constant support at first, so automating these can save a lot of time.
Using private nameservers
You want to use these because they make you look professional. After the migration you will need to change the nameserver IP from the old one to a new one. It’s a very good and comprehensive solution, one that works extremely well and without that much of a problem.
After you do these things you will need to install an SSL certificate on the site you use to sell these services and ideally you also want to add trust seals to the footer of your website. You have to show as many signs of professionalism as possible, as that’s a crucial aspect that you need to think about. It’s definitely a very important aspect to consider and the payoff alone can be great.
Yes, starting this type of business can be challenging especially if you’re a newcomer. But it also has its perks. You have more control and the value you can deliver is amazing. You need hard work, commitment and focus, but it does pay off and at the end of the day that really helps you quite a bit!