Make money by typing jobs Unique Method

HI, friends I am writing this article on how to earn money by typing only with the help of facebook. Are you wondering how is it possible? The answer is yes it is 100% possible. Many people are spending many hours on facebook, So why can not we turn facebook as  a profitable money making tool for us. Now I will explain my method with step by step instructions.

How to start:

First create a page on facebook according to your interest. That means choose your topic on which you can type a quality article. After that create an affiliate account on clickbank. Select your product on clickbank according to your page topic and promote the product on your facebook page. Share your page on your social network and get some visitor. You will be paid by clickbank for every lead. You can also follow this step vice versa( first select clickbank product and then type article on facebook page).
To earn more money you have to enhance your typing skills, Good quality writing always attract visitors. So write quality article on every few days and publish on your facebook page. After few days page become popular and generate a good revenue for you. So by this method you can create a home based business by using your typing skills. You can start this without any investment.

How to increase revenue:

After earning the good amount of money just purchase an ad on facebook. By purchasing ads your page will expose to large amount of audience. For an example if you get more audience for article then there is a high chance to convert more sales of product. You know very well more sales is equal to more money.
This earning method is simple and any one can do this with good typing and writing skills.

Typing Jobs opportunity in your local area

Many internet user thought that making money online is very easy. But always remember one thing, earning is not an easy task. You have to work harder and smartly. For normal people typing job is a smart choice, because  it has very simple requirement.

Various types of typing jobs available on internet ,like captcha entry, form filling, ads posting etc. Many classified sites olx,trovit and indeed are filled with these type of jobs offers. But mostly ads are not good or have very low payout. So we are writing to this article to help you and give the best way to find legitimate one.

How to get the best typing job opportunity:

First of all check the job in your local area. You can check the job offer in free classified site like olx or trovit. Read all details carefully before joining, don’t forget to check the social profile of employer. It will you get an idea about company and employer. Always choose local employer, so that you can easily visit the office address. Read all terms and conditions, If terms and conditions is hidden then ask for this. Concentrate disclaimer portion of terms and conditions. Please do not involve in the transaction of any kind of registration fee,  because you want job to get paid not pay to anyone.

Other types of typing jobs:

Article writing or translation jobs is also the part of typing work. You can make some decent bucks by offering your article or translation service. Why always looking for job offer ads in classified? You can also promote your service and skills directly on some popular classified ads website. Many companies or employers are also searching candidates like you on olx, trovit or any other websites. To get high earning projects become a seller on digital service marketplace like fiverr or applying a bid on freelancer.

We also have the free work from home guide to make money online by genuine approach. You can directly download this from our website. Many users are downloading this guide and making money online per month. You can increase your online income by enhancing your skills. It’s not very hard. You have to just make an approach in right way and in right place on web.

How to find the trusted captcha typing jobs

What is captcha ?

Captcha is a form of text, image or question. The purpose of capcha is to prevent spam or Bot attack. Many website uses captcha  for  signup, so with the help of this they get only genuine user and spam will be filtered automatically. Millions of websites using this technology.

Why companies hiring for captcha entry jobs?

Many seo services and advertisement companies are constantly hiring new candidate for this because they are posting clients products and reviews on the web continuously 24*7. So they have to fill millions of captcha and here you comes in to the role. They need home based worker with good typing skills to fill those captchas. It is a simple work from home jobs with requirement of fast typing skills.

How you can do this?

You can do this with a single and internet connection. Employers give the software with login id and password for typing captcha. You can earn per day, But always remember one thing this online jobs it is not a regular offline jobs. You can do this at the environment of your home but does not means that it’s a easy task. You have to make it hard with positive attitude to create a great online carrier. Many people thought that it works like magic from first day. You have to put your effort in right direction with patience

Consider these things:

Please noted that in your mind not every job offer in this field are not genuine many offers are available on internet to make money from you by creating new tricks to scam you. So if any website or companies any kind of registration fee then give a hard kick on their back. Always try genuine and without investment offer.

Where to find these type of job offer?

No need to go any other place you can find then genuine approach on our website by without involving any investment. We will give the 100% genuine work from guide to start and earn steady income for home based jobs.

How to make money on clickbank

Clickbank is widely known as one of the best options to make money online with affiliate marketing. But you do have to wonder how can you make money on this website. Is there a special strategy that you need to follow? What should you focus on? Here you have a few great tips and tricks to focus on.

Create an account:

The first thing you need to do is it obviously start by creating an account. The process is simple and intuitive, So you don’t have to worry about anything here. You just need to go ahead and create a regular account, you don’t need any thing else.

Find the right product to promote:

The challenge comes from picking the right niche. If you want to create  a website solely for promoting clickbank products., then you have to be very careful. The best products will usually have a gravity over 20, the product you choose have very good reviews online. The sales page have videos and the website design of that product does not seems fishy. Also the low cost initial offer needs to have up to around 3 up sales. Aside from that you need to pick a product that you actually believe in, because just getting a product at random won’t help you nor your audience, So you want to avoid any issues.

Get hosting and domain name:

Once you picked the products you want to share with your audience, Pick hosting and a domain name. You have many options to choose from, So try to find the one that’s very affordable. When you make money with clickbank you don’t need that much bandwidth, So shared hosting can be ok.

Create an affiliate link and tracking ID:

This will be needed because that’s how clickbank will identify you on the platform. It’s recommended to take your time and focus on creating a tracking ID because this way you know when and how you generate a sale. It’s very easy to do this and the value can be very well worth it.

What tools should you use?

It depends on the type of website you have and tools you want to use. Usually banners with link embedded in them can offer you the value you might need here. You can also add in content links, those work just as well and you never have to worry about the type of links you use to begin with.

Reviews can also work in this situation. In fact a lot of people write reviews for clickbank products because those generate a lot of value and many times they can also earn  quite a bit of money as well. Obviously, it all comes down to you to pick the right product but the value can be very well worth it in the end.


As you can see, It’s not hard to make money on clickbank. With the right approach, You will have no problem getting an amazing value.  You just have to be committed , focused on results and the value can be amazing . Don’t rush take your time and you will be very impressed with the outcome.

How to make a resume

First impressions count and your resume is the first thing about you that a potential recruiter gets to analyze. The importance of a well written, to the point resume cannot be stressed upon enough and its importance lies in the fact that the resume serves as a platform to advertise you on.

Now, moving on to how you can prepare an attractive, unique resume to showcase your skills and personality traits to bag a freelancing job:

Brag: We don’t mean this in the literal way-not in the blow your trumpet insanely loud kind of way; but keep in mind; this resume is the only way that a potential employer gets to know what your achievements are and how efficient you are at solving work related issues. So cite with examples the efficiency and skill set you have mastered and where it has served you and your employer.

Match Skill Set With Jobs You Desire: The best way to bag a proposal is by deciding on the nature of work you are after and coming up with an attractive skill set to match that job requirements. Employers are looking for people who are adept at the job on offer and a matching skill set would be one of their many filters.

Profile Description: As mentioned, your resume is the primary step for an employer to knowing you and your caliber, and freelance workers are mandatorily supposed to create a good profile about themselves and what they are looking for. Build up the profile in a unique an interesting manner, selling your USP in as immaculately and precisely as possible.

Display Your Work: Always, ALWAYS remember to include links or files showcasing your work samples while creating a profile or while bidding on a project of interest.

Name-Dropping: This means that you need to highlight the big companies you have worked for, even if the project was nothing substantial and did not require much creative contribution from your side. A potential employer might be interested to see that you have worked for big, popular companies and that might be the ticket to you landing the job offer.

On the other hand, while preparing a resume for clerical jobs, keep in mind that the potential employer is looking for someone who is more or less a jack of all trades.  This person is responsible for administrative, accounting, stock keeping and a whole lot of tasks which one can think of. As such, a person applying for a clerical post should include both clerical and administrative talents.

Some tips to help you build a good resume for clerical job applications:

  • Relevant information.
  • Well laid out structure.
  • Portray yourself as a focused and result driven individual.
  • Include how effectively you can utilize your skill sets to match the company policies and ensure smooth operations of the office.
  • Effectively convey your clerical and administrative talents.
  • You may include references for adding further credibility.
  • Experience counts- and it counts big time when it comes to clerical applications.  Include all your past experience in a chronological arrangement and point out what jobs you have taken up that the new job position also seems to demand.

Data entry operator


There are many pages to find work on the Internet. You mostly need to subscribe, upload your resume and start looking. Once you have joined a page you can start looking for something that fits you, narrowing it down to your location, experience, education and salary expectations.

Many companies outsource their data entry because it is more efficient and cost effective. So there are many opportunities for people who want to create a schedule that suits them. It is a great source of income for people who have crazy hours, can’t leave home or have young children.

Because of the high demand of jobs and candidates, there are many scams on the internet. So it is important to have references or legitimate feedback before filling out any on line application. Some fraudulent companies ask you for money or for personal information.  or other companies that ask you to invest or your credit card information, just money-making schemes. Pages or telemarketers that want credit card numbers

To do data entry you need to be a fast and accurate typist. Many companies only pay for the number of correct keystrokes you make.  Excellent computing skills, a good knowledge of database, word processing and basic software. So the better you are the easier it is to get a job and keep it.

You will need a very good and fast computer. The best internet service so that you have a fast connection. You also need to have a landline or a cell phone so that you can be contacted.

There are different data entry jobs that you can apply for. It all depends on your level of expertise and preference.

  • A plain data entry job which is basic typing
  • Filling in survey forms for different companies.
  • Solving captchas or puzzles to neater into websites
  •  Filling out forms. Putting in all the data precisely into all the spaces.
  • Converting images and jpg files into a word document.
  • Correcting and reformatting documents.
  • Formatting data into a specific form.
  •  Medical transcripts. Entering medical information from a medical text into a word file.
  • Writing headings and captions.

The internet has many pages devoted to job opportunities. You need to know, before you make a decision if they are reliable and if payment is guaranteed. Some suggestions are:

  • Virtualbee
  • Smart Locating
  • Xerox
  • Microworkers
  • Fiveer
  • FlexJobs

Most entry jobs have low pay at the beginning, but after proving your worth and shopping around for companies, you can find a winner. It is a slow slope at first, but the better you get and the more recommendations you receive, the better your chances are improving.

Before you decide if this is something you want to do, you need to evaluate your skills to see if this will work for you. Then you can ease into it by trying it first as a part time job. If it is something you like and are able to negotiate suitable pay, you can make it a full time commitment. Some companies will even help you with a computer and fast internet so no investment is required.

How to Earn Money on Facebook

There are several methods people use to monetize their Facebook account, most of them simple enough for anyone to use themselves. You don’t have to be a marketing genius to do it either. All you need is a passion for Facebook and another subject to base your page around, and you too can turn your page into a daily earner. Below are some different methods you can try yourself at home to earn money with Facebook. You never know, your Facebook page could become a significant source of supplementary income if you attempt one or all of these suggestions. Do keep in mind that while you may earn some extra cash on Facebook, it is generally not considered a sustainable source of income, so don’t quit your day job just yet.
Getting Started

If you want to make money on Facebook, you will need a few basic things to get you started. First, you will need to find a popular niche for your page that people will want to visit. For example, something about about the father of modern computing, Alan Turing, might be interesting to you and something you’re passionate about, but won’t necessarily bring many visitors to your page, and no visitors means no earnings.

Second, you will need to generate excellent and original content on a regular basis.  If you only offer the same boring posts and content people can find on numerous other pages, people won’t stay long or return to your page again.  This limits your earning potential because, again, no visitors means no money.

At this point, you may want to consider creating a second Facebook account for your money-making page.  Doing this maximizes your exposure by allowing you to post links from your monetized account to your personal one.  This also keeps your private information separate from your money-making endeavors on Facebook and makes your page seem more professional.

Finally, making money with a Facebook page takes patience and commitment.  Don’t expect instant results.  It will take time to build a reputation and gain followers, both of which are necessary for earning money on Facebook.  You will also have to make a serious time commitment to maintaining and updating your page if you want to earn anything worth mentioning.

Ways to Earn

You can choose one of four methods to generate a Facebook income.  First, you can participate in affiliate advertising and other link-based advertisements.  There are many good affiliate advertising websites and programs that provide you with marketing materials and will have a pay per click commission structure.  Never pay to be a part of an affiliate program, the company should provide everything you need to get started free of charge.

The second method is to write an eBook and make it available through your page.  When going this route, choose a subject you have some authority on and are comfortable writing about.  To accomplish this, you will need to choose a self-publishing service like Createspace or ReaderWorks.  The major drawback to this scheme is the initial investment required to produce an eBook.

Third, you can earn extra income by allowing others to post content on your page.  Sites like have created a marketplace for this type of earning.  Finally, you can generate quality content and posts for other’s money making Facebook pages.  Freelance sites like have numerous job postings for work like this, and it’s easy to create an account and get started making money on Facebook.

Blogging for Money

Isn’t it great to spend a day at home, browse the internet, and write and write and write and earn money? Of course, it is!

But is it possible?

Yes, it is.


Simple, it is through blogging!

Blogging for money, however, is never a joke. You can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars but you have to spend a lot of time and effort.

But what is important is that it pays off, right?

So if you are thinking about quitting your job today and start blogging for money, it is better if you think through it first unless you are motivated and dedicated enough and is love the nature of this work.

If you finally decided to take a plunge and try your luck in the realm of blogging, below are the things you need to know.

At first glance, generating money from a blog seems too easy but oftentimes first-time bloggers end up shocked and disheartened because the seemingly easy steps are actually extremely difficult to make. It is just a warning so you know what you should expect.

The first thing you have to do to make money through blogging, apparently, is to set up your own blog. This one is quite easy; you can simply use WordPress to set up your own blog.

The second thing is to write content that can drive tremendous traffic.

The key is to make it as useful and interesting as possible. Choose a particular niche or demographic to focus and write for.

The third thing is to find readers or simply promote your blog.

Well, how could you make money if there is no one who reads your blog?

Now, how blogs generate money?

  • Attract visitors through providing free content
  • Offer interesting freebie in exchange for visitor’s email address
  • Build trust through providing a consistent or steady stream of valuable and useful content.
  • Offer a service or product that will help them.

This may sound too corporate but this is what you really need if you are after blogging for money. If you want to earn money, consider this as a business.

The above mentioned way of generating money will take months or even years to pay off especially if you intend to create a product to be sold. If you really want to generate money as soon as you start blogging for money, it is a good idea to try affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a business model where you only have to endorse services or products of other people in exchange for a particular amount of commission. Usually, affiliates earn 50 percent commission on information and software products.

The good thing about affiliate marketing is that generating money is faster because you do not need to invest months or years making a product, and the income is almost passive. You do not have to worry about making products, supporting your customers or deal with any technical complexities associated with selling products. It can even give an idea about what product sells best so you know exactly what to produce in the future.

Apart from choosing the best strategy to generate money, you also need to build funnel in reverse, put a price that justifies the product, consider webinars and never overlook the importance of having an email list.

Just like any other businesses, you may fail at your first attempt to blog for money and so, just like what other successful businesses do, never give up and just continue until you get what you want. Of course, educating yourself can be a great help.

5 Ways to Earn Money at Home

The idea of commuting to and from work is now becoming a thing of the past. Many businesses are switching to work-from-home employees or individuals that work in satellite offices. There are many benefits for both the employer and staff in the switching of working from home. However, many different people are switching strictly to their work-from-home business by releasing themselves from the chains of having a supervisor to look over your work and being able to control your progress completely. There are many pros and cons to working on your own from the comfort of your home. Not just the release from the shackles of having a boss that would require your updates.

However, it is important that those wanting to work from home should be aware of the pros and cons of working from home. The first being the professional and home balance that would come with being able to set your schedule leading to the second pro, spending time with your family. Stay at home mothers are beginning to take advantage of this opportunity so that they may be able to stay with their children and watch them grow up. Another advantage to working from home is the reduction in stress from having to meet deadlines set by someone else.

At the same time, there should be some cons examined when it comes to working from home. One of these issues would be the need to be the requirement for extreme discipline when doing your job. If you are not able to keep yourself on the task, then the potential for you to flourish within whatever platform you have chosen will be unlikely. Another area that will also be affected will be the lack of pressure from your superiors to finish your work.

There are multiple different ways that an individual can make money from their work from home business. It just matters on them deciding what they are good at and making a niche out of it. Here are some ways that you can work from home and make money as well:

Virtual Bookkeeper

With the decision to move towards work from home occupations, a good job to choose would be a virtual bookkeeper. The required skills for this option are to have decent computer skills (mainly those of Microsoft Office), detailed oriented, and having a passion for helping to alleviate business owner’s burdens by helping them tackle real-world problems. One of the primary services that a virtual bookkeeper offers to business owners would be the assistance with dealing with taxes.

Virtual Assistant

Being a Virtual Assistant is another option that can be looked into if the desire is to work from home. The primary requirement for this job is to have a working knowledge of Microsoft Office and be able to work Skype or Google Voice. This particular job would require the person to assist their supervisor with the administration of their business, being their secretary, and input data.


Freelancing is completed on many different platforms. With freelancing, you just need to select your niche and specialize in that subject. Finding freelancing work can be simple too. There are many sites on the internet now that offers a search engine for possible jobs. You just apply to the job and wait to see if you were considered to be qualified for the position. The only downside to this particular occupation is that the competition is very high and sometimes because of that finding work is not an issue but getting work can take time.

Website User Testing

This job requires that you log onto a site or application for tablet or phone and run simple tasks to ensure the platform is running properly. After you finish the tasks, then you just input your suggestions for how the platform can be improved for whoever created the project.

Online Tutor

Unlike the previously mentioned jobs that mostly require little technical proficiency, this job takes those that are subject matter experts in their field. Many online sites allow for someone to work as a contract tutor that would assist other in getting more proficient in what it is they want to learn. The instructor just needs to apply to the site and demonstrate their proficiency in the subject to begin getting paid for their students.

Working from home can be very stress relieving, while simultaneously creating other stress. The workload while is plentiful is also not always guaranteed. Working from home has become quite competitive and when doing this form of work you need to be very strict with your job ethic to ensure you can continue obtaining the work necessary to maintain a successful work life.

How To Find A Real Online Job (And Avoid Scams)

Today, job applications are done online through sites such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Monster. Now more than ever, however, people are seeking jobs they can do from their comfort from their own home. Wearing a shirt and tie, sitting in a cubicle, and the daily meetings in conference rooms are becoming unhealthy, boring, and tiresome to people, especially if the pay is low. So, many people are looking for work they can do at home for good pay. However, there are many opening “jobs” that turn out to be scams within these websites, where you may work for nothing. Here are a few ways to rake out any opportunity that may be fraudulent.


When you see the name of the employer, you may have heard of it, but sometimes, you haven’t. So, Google it to see what the company is all about…if it does exist. If you don’t see it, if there’s no phone number or address or email, it’s probably a fake. Whoever contacts you for a job, have them verify their business. Maybe the company is small and doesn’t have a profile, but it should have a number or email to contact their location.

Look At The Job Application/Headline

The scam could be right there in front of you, on the screen, making it so obvious. You’d probably find a lot of this on Craigslist. For starters, if you apply and they want to know you financial information to “verify” you, that’s very much a scam. If the headline says you can be paid a lot for doing minimal work, that’s very unlikely to be true because what company will pay a lot for something simple to do? No one going for payout. This is something that I FOUND up EARLY: grammatical and spelling errors – in the headline. No professional will make a mistake like that when presenting the job opportunity. This is a case of amateur hour. The same goes if the email address is someone’s personal email address, not the professional address. All job applicants must submit references; if you’re not asked, be tentative that something is not right.

Look It Up On Highly Reliable Websites

There are websites besides the ones I have mentioned that you can find such job offers and know instantly they are legitimate because of who has verified it as such. I highly doubt that a major business news source like Forbes, The Economist, or The Wall Street Journal would print a recommendation that is not legitimate.

It’s a hard, long, tedious process of finding work at home, but have enough patience to find one. There are many opportunities out there – a freelance writer, data entry, virtual assistant, translator – and they are needed, even if for a temporary time. Go out there and be aware when you begin the hunt for the right work-at-home job.